Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Aug 15:

The one day of the year where I see my entire Facebook feed filled with nationalistic sentiments, quotes and the whole I miss my India speech. The other possible exception being when we win some cricket match we go all gaga over India. Is this patriotism or just another Facebook wall post like happy *everything* day ( Substitute everything for well everything)

Is patriotism really relevant in these materialistic times? I miss my place but aren't those feelings mostly associated with people( friends, families and the like). I feel there is a misplaced sense of patriotism among the youth today. We are struggling to identify who we are and where we belong and feel a need to be publicly patriotic to prove to ourselves that we are patriotic. ( No offence)

In the global scheme of things though we are just another person in this big wide and increasingly flat world where nationalities seldom seem to matter in the grand scheme of things.